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Every year I find Easter Bunny Footprints in my house on Easter Morning (luckily the tracks lead to a note from the Easter bunny and not to the stuffed Easter Baskets!)  The Easter Bunny never fails to leave a trail of bunny prints, which must be magical footprints because they are hard to clean off of the floor!

These DIY Easter Bunny Tracks certainly make our kids smile just as much as getting those fun Easter Basket Fillers, so I let him leave his Easter Bunny paw prints year after year. 😉

Easter Bunny Tracks in your house leading up to a note! (easy to DIY)

Easter Bunny Footprints in the House 

These Easter Bunny prints are a fun tradition for our kids!   They love seeing the proof that he was there, with the footprints that the Easter Bunny leaves behind. 

Our kids know that I don’t even mind cleaning up the mess that the Easter Bunny leaves behind (mostly because our kids giggle with excitement the minute that they look down from the stairs and see your bunny tracks leading in from our back door right over to the carrots that were left for you on the kitchen counter.)

DIY bunny tracks 1
While he may hide baskets and even send the kids on an Easter Egg Hunt, the tracks won’t give away any “hunt clues” because they lead to a personalized letter from the Easter Bunny, not to eggs or a basket. 😉   Sometimes, he will send us on an Easter Scavenger Hunt, reminding us about the real story of Easter.   He leaves the Scavenger Hunt clues next to the bunny letter.

Once we find the personalized letter written by the bunny to our kids, it’s time to find the baskets!   We read the letter & then they’re off, ready to search for the hidden Easter Baskets.
DIY bunny tracks 2

How does the Easter Bunny Make Footprints inside? 

I’ve seen our Easter Bunny leave footprints that look and smell like baby powder, but the past few years have been different.  He has been leaving bunny footprints with flour.

Don’t tell anyone, but the Easter Bunny actually told me just how he makes those tracks and I wanted to share it with you!   He said that he uses flour and a little water because the water helps the footprints stick better!    He said that some parents try to use a footprint template, but it never tricks the kids!

The Easter Bunny told us that sometimes parents will try to mimic his tracks with their thumb and three fingers.  How funny!  (It actually looks exactly the same- parents will do anything to find out his tricks!)   


Using their four fingers (thumb, pointer, middle & ring finger) in a diamond shape, they dip your fingers in the flour/water paste and place it on the ground.

Where do the Easter Bunny Footprints go? 

The Easter Bunny usually leaves tracks from the door to the table – that’s where we leave the carrots for our Easter Bunny.  Sometimes we find more tracks near the Easter Eggs that he has hidden, while we are doing our indoor egg-hunt!

No matter where the Easter Bunny Prints lead, our kids always follow them.

DIY bunny tracks

The Easter Bunny leaves a Note at the End of his Bunny Trail!

The Easter Bunny loves to lead us to his note!  He likes to leave a note to remind us why we celebrate Easter.  It’s the funniest thing though… the bunny’s note smells great! 

We aren’t sure how, but it smells just like Easter Candy!  It resembles vanilla body spray or lotion.    😉  

What does the Easter Bunny’s Note Say?

The Easter Bunny letter is special because it reminds us of Jesus. You can even find an Easter Bunny Letter template (instant download to the printable easter letter) at the end of this post. 


Here is a sneak peek at the Easter bunny note that our Bunny left last year  (He changes it a bit each year):

easter bunny letter

Here is an example of what the Easter Bunny Letter might say: 


Hi Jack, Beau, Ethan & Allie,
I am so excited to be visiting you this year!  You make me so proud that you ALWAYS do your best to tell others about the reason for Easter!  You teach others about Jesus just by the way that you act and that makes me so hip-hoppity proud!

I am still so amazed that Jesus died for our sins (and that He chose to do it!)  and then he rose from the dead?  Can you believe how awesome our God is to do that?!  Wow!  It makes me jump for joy (and I am a great jumper!)

I am so excited to give you some fun Easter Basket stuffers this year, in your Easter Baskets, because I love to share my JOY with you!  It makes me happy to give to you, just like Jesus gave to us!  

PS- I hid your baskets in a tricky place- I hopped around and hid each one of your Easter baskets somewhere different.  Good luck finding them!  I called your Mom’s phone last night & told your Mom & Dad where I was going to hide them, so they can help you with the “hotter, colder” game if you need help.

Oh- and thank you SO much for my carrots! How did you know I would need those?   I was super-duper hungry from carrying those Easter baskets to your friends!  I hope I didn’t make too much of a mess!

Keep working hard to tell everyone about how much God loves you and how much He loves them, too!  I will see you next year!  I better get hoppin’ or I’m going to be late!

Happy Easter, 
The Easter Bunny

Secret Easter Bunny Footprint Tips (from the bunny himself): 

One year, the Easter Bunny left a trail with JUST FLOUR (no water) and it cleaned up SO MUCH EASIER, but the kids like to enjoy the tracks all day long, so we like it when he uses the paste… it’s really hard to clean up, so it sticks around until bedtime when I finally clean it up.

Either way, it is a really fun way to start off your Easter morning!

Easter Bunny Note to Child

If you are looking for more Easter Ideas, these should help! 

Easter Activities to do on Easter Morning!

I scoured Easter resources to bring you the very best stay-at-home Easter Ideas that I could find! I am not really a "Crafty" person, in general, but I do love fun activities and so do our kids. It's about the time spent together more than the activity itself.

These ideas are ones that you can execute with limited materials and energy.
While there is endless inspiration out there, I think these will make our Easter at home exceptional!


Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. Hi Becky,
    You responded to a tweet about Helen Keller, and here I am.

    I love your creativity. Those Easter bunny tracks are awesome! I love what you are doing for your children. 🙂

    At any given moment, we are creating memories, but you are creating great momories.

    Oh no, that’s not a typo. Momories is a word I invented about people like you who are looked back on with great fondness because of your creation of quality memories for your children.

    May you, Mickey and your children all have a blessed Easter.

    Kind Regards,

  2. Can you post the letter the Easter bunny leaves about Easter please
    Thank you