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I Love to do these 5 Hacks that Make Cleaning Faster!   Time-saving cleaning tips for the busy mom are always helpful, aren’t they!?   Today I am partnering with bObsweep to bring you some great cleaning hacks.

5 cleaning hacks that will save time
Hey, you! Yes, you—the person who’s always on-the-go.  I get it!    We clean and pick up the house as much as we can, but we rarely get the time to really deep-clean.

Like when was the last time that we really inspected the carpet for stains? Or tried to check the bottom part of your iron to see if there’s any stuck gunk on it?   Today we tackle how to clean your house despite being super busy with whatever it is that’s going on in your life.


We recently got a bObsweep.  This smart little robot with a big personality has saved me an incredible amount of time by combining some of my most meticulous chores into one—and I don’t even have to push a sweeper around!   bObsweep cleans my entire house for me, even while I’m away. That is my favorite part.  When I come home from taking the kids to school, it is done.  This frees me up to spend more time with my family.     bObsweep tackles five chores in one:  Vacuum, sweep, mop, UV Sterilize, Filters the Air.


For tips on how to best utilize your bObsweep, follow them on Twitter @mybObsweep and Instagram (@bObsweep).  They’ve also got some funny photos and video of pets interacting with the bObsweep—just check out the hashtag #bobsweep to get your laugh on.


Use your mobile or a real stopwatch if you have one.  Give yourself 5-10 minutes for each room and strictly follow that time frame. You will be surprised that your 5 minutes will be up in no time! This also ensures that you don’t take too long in one area of your house so you would be more productive. Listen to upbeat music while you’re jumping from one room to another—cleaning could also double as a workout routine!


 As what you may have heard and read almost anywhere, baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) is useful when it comes to cleaning because it is very effective in removing unpleasant odours and surface stains. It is often mixed with water to form a paste or a solution, or even with vinegar which is known for its antiseptic properties. Baking soda has been around for ages and it remains to be anyone’s ultimate cleaning life saver.


clean your microwave oven and your chopping board. Lemon has natural cleansing properties that can remove grease and stains within seconds. For your chopping board, cut a whole lemon in half. Rub a half of the lemon on the chopping board’s surface along with salt.

For your microwave oven, fill a microwave-safe bowl halfway with water. Add 4 tablespoons of lemon juice. Boil in your microwave for 5 minutes. The steam will loosen the grease and grime that has accumulated in your oven’s interior. Wipe with a clean and soft cloth afterwards.

Grapefruit is also a great alternative!   I love these lemon hacks: 
lemon hacks



 Did you know that you can clean dusty and old candles by rubbing them against stockings (panty hose)? This restores their waxy texture so you could use your pretty candles again.

Find the pair of earrings you lost in your carpet by doing this easy trick: cut a portion of an old pantyhose with the toe part still intact. Pull it up over the nozzle of your vacuum cleaner.

Secure with a rubber band. Then carefully go over your carpet. If you’re lucky, your earrings will stick to the makeshift filter and they’re all yours again.  (thanks to instructables for that tip!)

Two pictures of a vacuum hose covered with pantyhose and rubber bands.






when clutter is weighing you down
25 ways to make cleaning easier


daily cleaning list print here

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. Never underestimate the power of vinegar as well! Baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice are my favorite ingredients for making a natural cleaner. I know plenty of natural recipes for cleaning and all they are working pretty well! As a cleaning hack for faster cleaning – I listen to music. It helps me to concentrate. Thank you for sharing!

  2. These are really useful cleaning hacks! The cleaning powers of lemon, baking soda and vinegar are really amazing! I am a green thumb and I love using natural solutions when it comes to cleaning. Thank you for sharing these useful cleaning ideas! Greetings!

  3. What?! Yeah, that s exactly what we thought too when we first read that. But believe it or not, this

  4. A good cleaning is a workout! I have had new hires to my cleaning business lose more than 20 pounds after starting. They came from desk jobs but still- it is hard work. I love using lemons too. Surprising how strong those little guys are!

  5. Honestly I used to love my Roomba, which is very similar to the BobSweep. However, spanning approximately 15 years I went through at least 5 or 6 different Roombas. They all died on me in various manners. They’re too expensive for them to konk out that quickly, IMO. I finally made the decision to go back to vacuuming myself and I invested in a Shark Rocket vacuum. It is EXTREMELY light and easy to maneuver around the house and on stairs. It also has incredible suction and picks up a TON of pet hair.