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Do you ever notice how so many of us tend to take care of everyone and everything, yet we forget about ourselves? It’s probably why the flight attendant reminds us to put the oxygen mask on ourselves before helping others.

It isn’t as if we purposefully choose not to take care of ourselves as well as we could, but it’s just something that is put on the back burner. Usually, we get distracted by everything else on our to-do list. We move self-care to the bottom of the list so often that we just forget about it.

So today I’m partnering with Natrol®, The Unofficial Sponsor of EveryDAY CALM†, to talk about the importance of self-care.

relaxing during the holidays with a cup of tea

Self Care Help Reduces Stress+

Taking care of yourself helps you maintain your mental, emotional, and physical health and reduces your stress levels+. When we aren’t taking care of ourselves, we tend to feel overwhelmed easily, anxious and exhausted. The result of this is that we feel less like ourselves and less able to handle stressful events.

On the other hand, when we are feeling our best, we are much more suited to handle whatever life throws our way due to self-care. We can identify those stressful situations and find simple resources to manage that stress and feel like ourselves again.

Some days, weeks, months, seasons, or years are more stressful than others. Those are the times when we need to keep our health a priority since the most challenging time tends to be when we tend to put ourselves on the backburner.

According to a recent Natrol survey…

72% of Americans believe that 2020 is the most stressful year they have lived through.

57% of Americans are more stressed now than they have ever been before.

We can’t always escape stress triggers, but we can keep it from changing how we feel. This is why a daily system to manage stress makes so much sense.

Holiday Stress to Holiday Calm+

Did you know that more than half of people feel more stressed during the holiday season? It doesn’t have to be that way.

Did you know that more than half of people feel more stressed during the holiday season? It doesn’t have to be that way.

Decorating for the holidays

Why do studies prove that stress increases during the holidays for many people, even though it’s called “The most wonderful time of the year”?

According to a Harvard study, stress increases during the holidays. [1] “The holiday season often requires us to keep track of and pay attention to a greater number of responsibilities than usual, the brain’s prefrontal cortex goes into overdrive. Over time, a high level of demand can decrease memory, halt production of new brain cells, and cause existing brain cells to die.”

Holiday plans, family, friends, food, gifts, and finances are starting to become front and center of everyone’s lives during the holidays, especially between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Add on the normal stresses of politics, working more (or less) hours at work, taking care of children or family members, and you’ve just added a whole layer of responsibility to your plate.

This is why it is important to take care of yourself every day, so you can be your best self when these things come around. Instead of becoming overwhelming stressors, they are just part of life that you learn to handle.

How can you keep that calm feeling instead of giving into stress?

Reduce holiday stress with Self Care+

Picture This…

Try to remember when you were a child. It’s Christmas Day. You just ran down the stairs to find your family waiting. Everyone opens gifts, plays happily, and spends the day together. You end the night with a good book and you fall asleep with a smile on your face.

This feeling is “Christmas Night Calm+” or “Holiday Calm+.”

That is the feeling that you should have every Christmas… even as an adult.

How do you achieve Holiday Calm+?

That’s where our Holiday Calm Self-Care Bingo comes into play. It’s up to you to take care of yourself, so I’ve created a “Bingo” board game for you to print. Each time that you achieve one of these things, cross it off.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to do many of these things each day! By making these simple daily choices, we can help ourselves manage stress effectively.

Night Calm (sleep)

Night Calm (sleep)

I am no stranger to restless nights. When I’m lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, I’ll suddenly remember all of the things that I forgot to do, or I’ll begin to plan out the following day’s schedule in my head.

The worst is when I look at the clock, realize that it’s far too late to be still awake, and I start counting the hours of sleep that I could get “If I fall asleep right now.”

We all know that sleep & health go hand-in-hand. Study after study proves that insufficient sleep puts a person at risk for serious medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and even a shortened life span.

Lack of sleep makes all of those little stressors into big stressors+.

How can you develop better sleep habits+?

1). Stick to a Bedtime Schedule & aim for the same bedtime each night.

2). Unwind before bed with a book instead of TV (due to the blue-light)

3). Avoid caffeine for 8-10 hours before bed.

4). Keep your room at a comfortable, yet slightly cooler temperature.

5). Try Melatonin, if needed, to help you get back on your natural sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced in our body. Natrol® Relaxia™ Night Calm is a fast-acting formula for nighttime stress.† This drug-free, stress relief formula soothes stress, helps you relax, and promotes sleep+ thanks to a soothing blend of:

Natrol Relaxia Night Calm gummies will help you say “good night” and mean it. They are 100% Drug-Free, Non-Habit Forming, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Vegetarian & Gelatin Free, free of Synthetic Dyes, and they do not contain artificial flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives. You can find it in-store at CVS. Be sure to use the coupon for $5 off any Natrol Relaxia product in-store at CVS.

holding gummies

Day Calm

You can do many things throughout the day to feel your best so you can be prepared for this busy & joyful holiday season without the stress.

1). Eat Well.

I don’t feel like I need to go into the reasons that we need to eat well. It is associated with so many things!

Fill your plate with fruits and vegetables every day and you’ll be on track to your best self. Be sure that you are getting all of your nutrients by adding a variety of healthy fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc… Drink your water, too!

2). Exercise.

This is so important! There are numerous studies proving how much our minds benefit from exercise. It makes us feel happier, less stressed, and it keeps our bodies healthy.

3). Relax.

Give yourself moments of relaxation throughout the day.

Maybe it’s a moment outside to think, or a chance to read a book, or five minutes of meditation. There are drug-free supplements to promote feelings of calm† through-out the day, as well, like Natrol® Relaxia™ Day Calm. It is a fast-acting gummy that is 100% drug-free and non-habit forming. It helps you feel calm while soothing daily stress and tension.†

Natrol® Relaxia™ Day Calm contains a soothing blend of 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) to support serotonin levels, which helps enhance mood, L-Theanine to ensure relaxation without drowsiness, and Lemon balm to help restore a sense of calm and balance.†

It is a clean formula, as well: Non-GMO, Vegetarian & Gelatin free, Gluten-free, No artificial flavors, sweeteners, synthetic dyes, or preservatives.

Ultimate Calm

When you combine all of these things together: physical health, mental health, and emotional health, you become your best self. You reach a feeling of Ultimate Calm. This is the sweet spot – the goal – the place where you want to be. You are able to tackle stress when it comes, you find joy in the little moments, and you love your life.

When you don’t feel like yourself, due to stress, don’t be afraid to lean on someone for help. You can also try to add in supplements like Ashwagandha, found in® Relaxia™ Ultimate Calm, as a way to support the body’s ability to resist the effects of everyday stress†. It is specially formulated with a blend of herbals, which helps you better manage your stress and maintain a positive outlook.†

You can learn more at Look for Relaxia products in-store at CVS, Kroger, Walgreens, and Rite Aid. Oh! Remember that you can use the $5 off any Natrol Relaxia product when you are in-store at CVS.

Find Joy

Remember, life is what you make it. We become who we are by how we handle our experiences, situations, and circumstances. Make the best of every day!

Find joy in this holiday season!

We’ve started using these Christmas Conversation Starter Cards. They give us a chance to share great conversations as each question focuses on the POSITIVE things in life!

Get More Ideas Here

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases

[1] Harvard Study on Stress During the Holidays
Additional Studies:
1.  Harvard:
2. CDC:

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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1 Comment

  1. Self care is very important. When we are not paying proper attention towards our health, a lot of bad things might happen to your body which will might cause mental harm as well. Thanks a lot! Surely, this will help a lot of people.