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What do studies and surveys show that kids want most from their parents?
Here are your guesses:
A) For the parents to spend more quality time with them
B). For their parent’s approval
C). For the parents to be less stressed and less tired
D). A larger allowance
I have to admit that I was surprised by the results. I thought that the answer would be spending more time with their parents (check out my post on a great way to spend one on one time with your kids) or having their approval or even having a bigger allowance (check out my post on age-appropriate chores).
I was wrong.
What do kids want most from their parents?
The number one thing that kid’s want from their parents is for their parents to be less stressed and less tired.
I am going to give you my favorite tips and suggestions on how you can do this (do it for your kids!)
1). Get on a schedule. This takes the stress out of your day because you know just how your day will go. If it helps, write your schedule out and try to stick to it for a few weeks. (with some flexibility, of course!)
2). Have your kids HELP you with chores! Remember this is important for them, not just helpful to you! (check out my post on “are your children acting entitled? for some great resources.)
3). Get everything ready the night before to make mornings a breeze!
4). Use your time wisely! Limit your “online” time. Try to remember the rule that you learned as a child. Do your work first (AKA: your household chores) and use your fun time (AKA: Online time) as the reward. “Work before play.”
5). Keep things simple! Laundry can be easy! Dinner can be quick!
6). Find meals that will work for your family– use the crock-pot & get it prepared the night before, after your kids are in bed. Here are some great, VERY EASY, little prep time meals (I’ll keep adding them here!)!
6). Plan ahead. I like to have my kids showered or bathed and in their pajamas before we eat dinner. This makes it easy to have dinner, a snack, brush their teeth & head to bed by 7:00. To multitask, try cleaning your bathroom while your kids are in the tub (if they are old enough to be in there without you holding onto them, of course!) You can still interact with them while you are cleaning. You are just getting two things done at once. (**Keep the cleaning supplies for THAT bathroom in there to make it fast & easy).
7). Wake up before your kids: This is a task in itself, for sure. I could hit my snooze button several times, but what I have done that works (the only thing I have found) is to have my phone in our bathroom off of our bedroom. I have to get out of bed to turn it off. It is a pretty song, so I don’t wake up to that horrible alarm sound. I get up, turn it off and turn on the shower. I can’t get back into bed with the shower water running! (Well, I could, but that would not make for a happy Mama when I got my water bill in the mail!)
8). LAUGH! Laughing reduces stress. Have a dance party with your kids. We just play our favorite songs on YouTube and DANCE! Our kids LOVE the Tooty-Ta song by Dr. Jean. Try it with your kids (& do it WITH them!) Here’s the link: Tooty-Ta
9). Do something for you. I like to go to Barnes & Nobel (great idea that my friend, Samantha, told me about years ago) to read a book and let the kids play at the train table. I like to meet friends for “play-dates” (AKA: Mommy play dates, too!) Join a Mother’s group or prayer group. This is a great way to make friends and get some awesome help and advice from friends. Switch babysitting with a friend so that you can go shopping or even so you can clean your house in peace!
10). My biggest tip is to GET ORGANIZED!! Follow my 40 days to an organized home & you will have your home completely organized in 40 days! (less if you do more than one a day). Once you are organized, stick to a cleaning schedule.
All of these things will help you to be less stressed. Remember that your kids don’t care how wonderfully your house is kept or how detailed your art projects are or how delicious you cook… they want you to be HAPPY! Remember the saying “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” It applies to everyone!
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