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With summer in full swing, the summer boredom epidemic can quickly hit. As much as we anticipate the relaxed summer days, the lack of the usual routines can cause boredom to slowly creep in. Before the boredom starts to leak into our homes, let’s decide to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead! Summer boredom does not have to be the thing that ruins summertime fun.

kids bored

1) Have learning time. Even though school is out for the summer, it is extremely helpful to carve out some learning time. You can do this daily or weekly- it is up to what works for your family. Kids actually crave this structured time and it can be a welcomed relief to the wide open days.  Here are a few reasons why we teach our kids in the summer. 

2) Make a bucket list together. At the start of summer, sit down as a family and write out what you want to do. Ask the kids for ideas. Obviously, not everything may happen but you may be surprised to hear that your son really wants to do a water balloon fight- how easy is that? Put the list somewhere where everyone can see it and every week pick a couple to do together.  Here are 60 screen-free activities. 

3) Check out the local library for a summer reading program. Libraries typically have a summer reading program geared for kids that is full of fun incentives. Barnes and Noble also hosts one and it just kicked off for the summer. If your child is not big into reading, use this as an opportunity to encourage it. Figure out what subject your child is into and then get books centered around that.

4) Have your child pick up a hobby. Is there something that your child could become interested in? Start a book of birds or bugs you see over the summer. Start collecting rocks. Get creative and think of something that your child can focus on.   Our kids LOVE this DIY creativity box. 

5) Encourage new skills. Summer break can be the perfect time to begin new life skills. Whether it is cooking, cleaning the bedroom, or helping with laundry, there is always something that a child can start to learn more about.

6) Let them be bored. Ultimately, a little boredom is not the end of the world. It is a great opportunity for kids to get creative. Sometimes parents try to micro manage every little second of their child’s life and forget that kids need to be kids. Let them explore the backyard or get messy with art. Usually just giving a little space and encouragement, kids can overcome their boredom when pointed towards a creative outlet.     We use our No Screentime Until chart to let them find their own fun before doing screen time. 

What are some of your favorite summer boredom busters?



Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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