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I love sharing quick tips with you and today’s quick tip is how to keep track of the kids’ homework throughout the week.

homework organization tip -

This is seriously so easy!

Our three kids get their homework on Friday and it is due the following Friday.   This means that they are to be working on it all week and they need to return it, completed, and in good condition.

Here are things that we tried that were NOT working:
1. Keeping it in their folders, in their backpacks.  Yes, its easy to find, but it was a pain to dig out every night.

2. Keeping it in a pile on the countertop.  This was not working, because our daughter (2) was drawing on it and the kids were getting food on it!

3. Keeping it in their bedrooms.  This didn’t work, because it was easily misplaced when they would be playing in their rooms.

What we did to solve this little problem:

We put it on our refrigerator.    
For the sake of making it picture easier for you to see, I moved it to the front, but normally, I keep it on the side.
I even keep the bag of reader-books, that are sent home with our kindergartner, on the refrigerator.

HW 2

I use heavy-duty clips, similar to these (in the picture I had just home-made clips that said “Look what I can do” but they didn’t do the trick of holding up more than one piece of paper, so I opted to buy stronger clips):

Then I give each child a clip.  (They come in different colors, so you could order a red one and a white one, or you could just write their names on their clip with a sharpie)

We get it down every night to work on it and then it goes right back onto the fridge.  Easy enough.  It is always there and it is always very neat, because the only person touching it is the person that is using it.   On Thursday, I check it and have them make the necessary corrections and then it goes right into their folders to be turned in on Friday morning.

homework organizing trick
Do you want more quick tips? 
teach kids how to spell last name



This is how I organize the stuff that they bring home from school: 
organize school work

Or this one for their lunches… 

A cup of oranges in a plastic container with juice in it and text above it.

and one of my favorites- prepare their lunches once for the whole week… 
prepare your child's lunch once for the week


Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. I don’t have kids, but I am an Education Major… and I just may use this idea for myself. Instead of putting my name on the clips–because there really is only one of me–I would use post-its to label the due dates of the work in each clip (once clip for each day of the week). This is such a great idea!

  2. I was a nanny for four boys not too long ago and they absolutely did not want to do their homework. It truly does help to have it hanging in a visible place so that they can see it! When I have kids of my own, I think I will hang it on the fridge like you have. It’s amazing how the simplest changes can make all the difference!

    1. Oh I agree- sometimes the smallest things make the biggest difference! 🙂