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Prayer hands - free printable

With Lent and Easter just around the bend, I thought it was a great time to re-share my friend’s Prayer Hands with a  free printable.  It’s a simple way to remind your kids of what is important and remind them of all that they have to be thankful for, not only during this time of year but all year through.
This post was originally written and shared a few years ago, but it remains a very popular post, so I wanted to reshare it today before the Easter season.  This post contains affiliate links.

Prayer Hands Craft

My dear friend Deanna is always coming up with awesome ways to teach her children to grow in His love.   She also teaches Sunday School at her church and she is just a fantastic mother and friend. 
A few weeks back, I was asking her for advice for the kids.  I told her that our children seem to just become so quiet when it was their turn to pray out loud.  (When we do our family devotion and prayer at night).  They would whisper “You go first” to their brothers, or they would do a “thank you for my family, house, friends …….” prayer.  I wanted them to dig a little deeper.

Deanna to the rescue!   She let me borrow her son’s “prayer hands”.  She made these with her kids and she has them use it at night, although they don’t need to once they have used them enough to remember.

It is a way to give them suggestions of what to pray for, while they are young so that they can grow from this and learn it and expand on it as they get older.

prayer hands

Start out on your thumb, saying “I Pray”

  • When the first one comes up, they will point to their pointer finger and say Adore God.  Lord, You are…”    Your child will continue with this sentence. 
    You can give some examples for your child to follow during your first few times using these Prayer Hands. 
  • For the second card, they will point to their middle finger and say Confess sins.  Please forgive me…”
  • On the third card, they will point to their ring finger and say, “Thankful Heart.  Lord, I am thankful for…”
  • On the fourth card, they will point to their pinky finger and say, “Supply Others.   Lord, please help others and please help me, too.” 

On each of these cards, you and your child will continue the sentences by filling in what is on their heart and mind. 

Print Your Own Praying Hands

To print these prayer hands, simply click this link to be taken to a printable document where you can print out these cards.  You can print them all one paper or change colors and print them on a variety of colors. and colorful key rings.

ps- you will need to trace YOUR CHILD’s hands-on cardstock and then you can get these little clips:  

Paper hands with words written on them.
prayer hands 2
prayer hands A is for Adore
prayer hands C is for Confess Sins
Prayer Hands T is for Thankful Heart
Prayer hands - S is for Supply needs
prayer hands back
prayer hands closed

Click here for the printable Prayer Hands

I hope that you liked those!  I love them and our kids love them, too!  Thanks to my friend, Deanna, for allowing me to borrow them and share them with you!

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Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. I love your praying hands project but I tired to print the hands and it only prints a prayer sheet.What Im I doing wrong? 🙂

    1. I dont’ know? I think that my friend traced her son’s hands, so she printed them onto paper and then cut them into the shape of her son’s hands.

  2. Thanks for sharing. This is just beautiful. children need to learn that they can speak to God whenever wherever

  3. Thank you for sharing this project. It had made a tremendous impact on my Fourth Grade, CCD class. My students have a hard time asking their parents for help with these projects, so it has now become a parent/ student project and the all love it. God Bless you.

  4. Thanks for the awesome idea, I had been praying about how to teach about prayer to my 5-7 year old Sunday School class.

  5. My Sunday school class is working on communicating with God in prayer this month so this craft is going to fit in amazingly! Thanks so much for the share 😉

  6. I clicked on both places I was given to opportunity to get the link for the prayer hands and nothing happened. I was so excited to use this with my first and second graders.

  7. Thank You so much for this. I’m a new sunday school teacher and ive been praying for God to give me the lesson he wants me to teach these kids. I kept cominy across this prayer one and saved it but kept thinking nah Lord they know how to pray. Wrong lol. A little girl asked our bible study leader how we pray and was shocked that we talk to him like we talk to each other and then i just heard a little voice say there you go. So thank you so much! This is gonna be great. Cant wait to teach it..

  8. This is just beautiful.i pick this up at UMW Conference many years ago. It’s also an adult version that I have used in
    Stewardship meetings.
    Adults sometimes need an easy prayer line.

  9. Would be good to have a pre school model. One with pictures and not words. Just a thought.