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Your gums matter to your health more than you know

Did you know that Periodontal disease may increase your risk of having heart disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, pregnancy complications, dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?  Did you also know, according to the CDC, that 50% of U.S. adults have gum disease?    Left untreated, the build-up of sticky plaque along the gum line keeps acids in contact with teeth, which break down enamel and can eventually lead to permanent damage.   Today we are tackling these issues.

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Crest®
A tube of Crest repair tooth paste sitting on a brick floor.Periodontitis, or Periodontal disease,  is chronic gum inflammation. It can present itself as gingivitis (swelling of the gums) or it can completely destroy the tooth’s bone support structure.  This can lead to tooth loss as well as inflammation throughout the body. It is more important than ever to not only take care of your teeth but also your gums.

“A new study from Chung Shan Medical University in Taichung City has determined that people who have had periodontitis for more than 10 years are 70% more likely than people without periodontitis to develop Alzheimer’s disease.”  ~

After reading this study, I went to a friend of mine, also a dentist, to ask for advice that I could share here today…

What can we do to care for our gums and enamel?

Brush your teeth with a toothpaste that repairs the gum & enamel.

Brush your teeth with a toothpaste that will care for your teeth and gums.  Choose a toothpaste like Crest Gum & Enamel Repair that will neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and target the gumline to help reverse gingivitis.

A tube and box of Crest repair tooth paste sitting on a cement step.

Brush & Floss Twice a Day

Brushing twice a day is so important.  Flossing is right up there in terms of importance, yet so many people skip this step. Flossing allows us to remove more bacteria while taking the time to examine our gums for signs of swelling or redness.   It is also important to start both of these habits from a very young age, so be sure to be a great example for your children.

Two children brushing their teeth at the sink.

Protect & Repair Your Enamel.

It is important to protect the enamel that we have.  Using Crest® Gum & Enamel Repair toothpaste penetrates the tooth surface to help repair the weakened enamel, while also protecting the enamel. Crest® Gum & Enamel Repair neutralizes hidden bacteria along the gum line through a revolutionary Active Repair technology that provides balanced care in the mouth and is clinically proven to reverse gingivitis.   With its ability to penetrate the tooth surface, it strengthens areas in the enamel where there is weakness.

A close up of a person holding a tube of Crest with the box in the background.

Eat Right

Most people don’t realize it, but the acids that are in our foods and drinks are eroding and destroying our enamel when we don’t properly protect it.  Even certain fish, meats, juice, wine, sparkling water, seltzer water and other common foods and drinks are working against us. Using a toothpaste like Crest Gum & Enamel Repair  Shields against acids in food and drink so you can continue to enjoy your favorite treats.

It inhibits cavity-causing attacks by plaque acids so your mouth can stay fresh all day long.
It is also important to aim for a diet full of fruits, vegetables, nuts and omega-3 fatty acids to help to suppress inflammation.

A close up of a bowl of blueberries.

Check Your Mouth Often

While you should visit your dentist twice a year, it is most important to check daily for swelling, bleeding or to see if your gums have pulled away from your teeth.

A tube of Crest and box sitting on a counter.

Reverse Early Gum Disease at the First Sign

75% of Americans will experience gingivitis, the earliest form of gum disease, in their lifetime. Early symptoms include inflamed

and bleeding gums. For healthier gums, use the Crest® Gum collection, including Crest® Gum & Enamel Repair with Advanced Whitening to neutralize hidden plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage.

A tube of Crest and it\'s box sitting on a counter.

CVS stores have a $2.00 off of Crest® Gum & Enamel Repair as part of their weekly ad, from August 26th – September 1st.   Allie and I stopped by today on our way to pick up the boys from school.  

A woman and a child pushing a shopping cart while holding a box of Crest.

You will also see a few other favorite Crest toothpaste products on sale, like Crest Gum Detoxify, Crest 3D Whitening Therapy, and 3D White Brilliance, to name a few.    We even found a full display case with all of the Crest Gum health products, so it was easy for us to grab a few.

Two boxes of Crest repair in a shopping cart.
I hope that helped.  I always love to try to stay a step ahead in the health of myself & my family.   


Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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1 Comment

  1. Yes I totally agree with you in terms of taking care of our gums and you’ve nailed all the necessary things to do. Great content though.