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This is my favorite time of the year!  The decorations, the parties, the kids with huge smiles on their faces and behaving Oh-So-Well because Gilbert, Our Elf, is ‘watching and reporting to Santa’ every day!

It can also be a crazy time of year…  the decorations, the parties… haha!   But it’s a special kind of crazy for moms.  Between the kids’ cookie-induced sugar highs, and the mall crowds, there’s no lack of amusing, funny, long-lasting memories being made. Sprout calls these experiences “Holiday MOMents.”

I had to share this “MOMent” with you today because it was just too ‘real-life’ not to share.  Through it all, we know moms want to capture every MOMent, don’t we?   I know that my kids will appreciate all of this one day.

I love going to my friend, Hillary’s cookie exchange.   (Hillary is the one who gave me this awesome idea for a no-gift first birthday party )  She is such a great hostess and it is always fun to talk to her (& some other great friends) at her parties!

So, normally, my cookies are tasty, but not so pretty.  I make these healthier oatmeal chocolate chip cookies a lot and they are great because they are just drop cookies (not cutesy shape or decorating involved!)  I make these 3-ingredient funfetti cookies a lot, too, and they turn out well for the same reason (drop cookies).

This year, for Hillary’s party, I decided to make these snowman cookies:

Here is what they SHOULD look like:   (ps- if you click on the picture, it will take you to the original pin where I found these)
snowman cookies

And, this is what MINE looks like:
A close up of a yellow snowman cookie with M&Ms on it.

Do they look anything alike? As my friend Angela P. would say… “Not so much”

So, I texted Hillary about an hour before the party (at this very moment, my husband was sick in bed with the flu, I was also making lasagna for our four kids and trying to help our oldest two boys with their school work.)  I told her that my cute snowman cookie’ looked liked a Caterpillar CSI victim.

So- the boys and I moved onto plan B and made a sugar cookie version of my Minty Brownies.

I got all of the kids to bed, left my husband with his cell and Hillary’s home number and I ran to the party for an hour or so (she just lives a few houses away, so I could be back in about 20 seconds.)
Of course, she was as sweet as always and was just happy that I was there, despite my cookie disaster!

My real life MOMent…

This is my MOMent.   What’s yours?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. I couldn’t stop laughing when I was reading this. Not so much at your cookie but how you wrote the post…”not so much”.

    The taste is all that matters and I think your finished product was very cute too.

  2. Oh my gosh, that made me laugh! At least you can poke fun of the situation and see the humor in it!

  3. Oh my gosh! These actually made my mouth water! How cute they are but also really yummy looking!

  4. We used to make snowman cookies (like the pin-picture) when I was a child. I don’t remember them actually looking like the picture, either. 😉 They were usually much flatter.