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Summer has changed the rhythm in our household in so many ways – some good and some…challenging. I know some of you may homeschool and some of you have children who are too young to go to school, so the rhythm of your household may not be changing much. But for those of you like me who have children home (all day long) from school for the summer, there’s a definite change.
Don’t get me wrong… I LOVE IT and it is my favorite time of the year, but it is a time when things change, so we adapt our lives to go right along with the change.
What I am finding challenging is how to continue with my practices of self care while all the kiddos and my husband are home for the summer. When everyone is home, I automatically go into “take care of everyone else’s needs first” mode. Everyone really needs just a little time to recharge. Maybe it is through writing or reading. Maybe through working out or even just taking a long bath or shower.
Here are 5 Ways for Moms to Recharge During the Summer, because a rested, recharged mom is a patient mom.
1. Rest for 20 minutes when you genuinely feel tired in the later afternoon. Not a 2 hour rest, but just 20 minutes, it’s scientifically proven to be beneficial. – so no more guilt! Rest on your porch swing or lie down with the kids and snuggle for 20 minutes.
2. Take at least 15 minutes to do something that really energizes you. It could be before your kids wake up, after they go to sleep, or during the day when the kids are watching a short (or long) video. Maybe it is a quick workout that you have found online. Try making a to-do list or crossing off your already made to-do list (ahhhh…. that’s a great feeling).
3. Make sure to get some movement and exercise in your day with or without the kids. My family is trying to go on family bike rides and walking together. Biking is really an easy family activity. Try to bike somewhere – to the store, to a friends for a cookout, or just around the neighborhood or park. Oh! Or bike to have a picnic with your family.
4. Keep a loose daily/weekly schedule for the family even during the summer. If left to their own devices, kids could really relax or use a LOT of screen time during the day!
Try this “No Screentime Until” printable for your kids. (free to print). Keep a semi-organized day. You might do: wake up, breakfast, chores, school time, free play, lunch, free play, run errands, dinner… whatever it may be.
A few ideas: We’ve asked them to pick one or two things that they want to learn and practice on their own during the summer. Maybe it is learning a new language (ambitious I know!) or learning to play the piano. Maybe its learning to juggle or skateboard. Our loose schedule for them is to read daily, practice their new goals (we help to teach them), and spend time outside.
We are making weekly trips to the library and having a weekly family outing on one of my days off. I’d also like to make sure that we each have one on one time scheduled with each of the kids. We try to do that regularly, but in the busyness and fatigue during the year, we often forget to schedule them.
5. And last but not least, try not to multi-task through the day. It’s so tempting for me to try and answer a few emails or do some tasks while I’m supposed to be playing with the kids. It makes the task harder to complete, and also doesn’t make my son feel good when his mom is distracted. I have learned to be mindful in my day – when I’m playing or reading to my youngest, I will only be playing or reading. Remember to look at them in their eyes. When I am doing work, I will only be doing work (maybe its when they are asleep or during their downtime).
What about you? Has your rhythm changed this summer? How are you keeping healthy and happy?
~Angela, guest writer on Your Modern Family
Thanks to Angela for this post today. Angela recently started blogging at Setting My Intention. She is a wife and mom to three boys. She works part time outside the home, and full time inside the home. She loves to hear and see how others are decluttering and simplifying life, so please drop by her blog and say hello! You might love her post on Simplifying your Laundry Routine in 3 steps or how 5 minutes can change your life.
Wow Becky. Real eye opener . I don’t realize it but (what I think is good) the multi tasking is really very bad for all. I might make myself a no screen time until. Especially in the winter. It’s a whole new struggle then…
I am guilty of it, too.
I always need the reminder to focus on one thing at a time. Glad you found the post helpful
I’m definitely guilty of multitasking too much! This summer we are making a schedule of activities, including regular chill out time.
Regular chill time is so important – especially if it’s not centered on screens!
Just this week, I started meditating for 10 minutes when the girls go down for a nap. A friend of mine told me about this app on the iPhone called “Headspace.” Wow, I am hooked and it is amazing how much better I feel after. Try it!
Oh no way- I’ll check it out. 🙂 Thanks, Betsy!
Betsy that is great that you’ve started implementing that in your schedule. I think I’ve heard about that app. Im trying to take 10 deep breaths in the morning – if I don’t make time in the morning for anything else it helps center me.