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If you are Helping your little one to be independent, this is one trick that might work for you!

A little boy that is squirting milk from a reusable  plastic bottle onto his cereal.

This little tip comes from my sister in law and I love it!   I do this for our younger kids, now, too.

Every morning,  I get the same three questions from our four year old:

  1. “Can you come downstairs now?” (this one normally comes when I am getting ready in my room)
  2. Can you get my cereal?
  3. Can I have some milk?

The first question always gets the same answer “I’ll be down in just a minute”.

The second two questions became very easy for me to fix with this trick!   Our kids just wanted to be independent.  Our third son wanted to be like his older brothers.  He wanted to get his own things, but he couldn’t.

He can get out his bowl, his spoon and the cereal.
He can pour his own cereal, but he always had a hard time getting the milk.
He had a hard time reaching it in the refrigerator.
He had a hard time pouring it, because it was so heavy.
He had a hard time putting it back.

So we found a way to let him be INDEPENDENT!

We bought these…

milk 4

Here are similar ones that you can order on Amazon.

We took two of them out and let the kids use them as water toys in the bath tub and at the water table:
milk 6

We took the third one downstairs, washed it and filled it with milk.

milk 1

Now our two youngest kids can go to the refrigerator, get their OWN milk, any time of the day…
I keep it on a low shelf in the refrigerator and rewash it and refill it every night (they usually go through a bottle of it every day).


He can get his OWN cereal and  now he can get his OWN drink.

milk 2

milk 3



I just wanted to share this with you because a lot of you want to help your kids to be more independent, and this is just one little way that they can!

Hope you liked this little tip!

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. How did I not think of this for our 3 year old? She wants to help so much, but can’t. This is perfect. I’m going to put her water in one and her milk in another one.

  2. This ROCKS! Thanks so much for sharing. Love this idea. Will definitely use it when the time comes. 😉