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if you ask your mom to lie down with you

If you ask your mom to lie down with you, she’s going to fall asleep…
She will wake up in a panic and head downstairs to clean up the kitchen…

When she is cleaning the kitchen, she will notice that someone left a cup in the living room.
When she goes to get the cup out of the living room, she will notice that the TV was left on.

When she goes over to turn off the TV, she will see that it is HGTV and they are playing her favorite show.
She will sit to watch her favorite show.

When she sits to watch her favorite show, she will remember that her husband just bought ice cream.
She will go to get her favorite ice cream and see the messy kitchen.

She will start cleaning the kitchen again and hear the washer beep.
She will go upstairs to get the laundry out of the washer and she will hear a voice.

When she turns to find the voice, she sees a 3 year old standing at her door.
She will go back to tuck the three year old in and she will hear “Will you sleep in my bed?”

She will lie down in bed and fall asleep, again.
When she wakes up ten minutes later, she will go to her room.

In her room, she will pick up the shoes and toys that were left in there.
She will put them into the closet, passing the bathroom along the way.

When she sees the bathtub, she will realize that she meant to clean it today.
Once it is clean, she decides she should enjoy a clean tub.

When the tub is clean, she puts on her favorite pajamas and turns on the show that she taped from before.
She will want to lay down, in bed, to watch her show.

When she gets into her BED, she thinks about all of the things that she forgot to do.
Thinking of the things that she forgot to do will remind her that she has an ongoing list on her dresser.

She gets out of her bed and finds the list.
Seeing the list reminds her that she wanted to leave little notes on the kid’s floors that say “GOOD MORNING!” so they will wake up and find them in the morning.

She writes their notes and takes them to their rooms.
Seeing them sound asleep reminds her that she is exhausted.

She goes to her room, gets into her bed and falls asleep for a few hours.
Then she hears someone call for her, because if you ask your mom to lie down with you, she’s going to fall asleep…♥


Ps- here is our bed (that we think is the absolute best bed anyone could ever own!  Seriously!)

good nights sleep for mom

how to teach kids to sleep later (naturally)

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. I need a good night’s sleep because I’m finishing up law school and between the job applications, classes, reading, and extracurriculars (not to mention trying to see my fiance from time to time!) I would love to settle down at the end of the day and have a great night’s sleep to prepare me for the next day!

  2. I’m 36 weeks pregnant with my fifth child, which is both the reason I need a good night’s sleep AND the reason it probably won’t happen for at least another year or two! I use my phone to email myself new additions to my to-do list as I’m lying there trying to fall asleep, so at least I don’t have to get out of bed for that, but if I pick up my phone to email myself a reminder, then I’ll probably check Facebook… and if I check Facebook, then I’m going to see someone on the Internet who’s WRONG… and onward it goes! 😉

  3. I need a good night’s sleep because I have two young boys to chase around every day once I’m awake!

  4. I need a good night’s sleep to keep up with my 6 year old! Thanks for the chance!

  5. Ugh….I have needed a good solid sleep for I don’t know how long. I’m exhausted when I get in bed but then the tossing and turning starts. Even when my mind is not racing….toss and turn….toss and turn. Ugh.

  6. We co sleep and I am still breast feeding my daughter, I toss and turn when I go to sleep and never feel rested!

  7. I have neck problems and have not been able to get more than 1-2 hours of sleep since my injury 2 1/2 years ago. I so can’t wait to get a good night’s sleep.

  8. I have trouble sleeping now b/c of pregnancy. I need all the sleep I can get despite pregnancy. I have a toddler full of energy.

  9. I’m lucky that I do tend to fall right to sleep once in bed. But I could always use to be comfier!