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Over the past few months, my family and I have been very aware of what we are eating, what we are using on our bodies, and what we are putting into the air.   It all started when we watched a few documentaries on TV.

From there, we kept watching more & learning more. It has really opened our eyes to the health risks that are all around us.   It has also opened our eyes to the number of diseases that are preventable.

shocking discovery cancer

I feel like this is so important to share this information because it is something that we can prevent when we have the knowledge.


Did you know that there have even been studies that are linking death by pancreatic cancer with gum disease?   I had no idea.  The number was huge, in fact.  In January 2007, a Harvard University School of Public Health study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute uncovered a strong correlation of advanced gum disease in men to a 63% higher incidence of pancreatic cancer.

Even the presence of moderate gum disease contributed to an overall 14% increased risk of cancer.  

A research team at Harvard found that when gum disease was present, there was a 33% increase in the risk of lung cancer, 50% rise in the risk of kidney cancer, and a 30% higher incidence of blood cancers, such as leukemia.    

A text above a tube of tooth paste.

Another study that was published in the British Journal of Cancer found that “Research from Finland has pointed to a surprising link between gum disease and the development of some cancers.

And even worse, it has been linked to the risk of cancer-related death…  These studies have demonstrated for the first time that the virulence factors of the central pathogenic bacteria underlying gum disease are able to spread from the mouth to other parts of the body, most likely in conjunction with the bacteria, and take part in central mechanisms of tissue destruction related to cancer.”

So… What Now?  What Can We Do?   

I’ve been working with Crest a lot this year, so when they sent us the new Crest Gum Detoxify toothpaste, I was excited to try it (especially after reading what I shared above.)   
A tube Crest  Gum Detoxify.
Crest Gum Detoxify toothpaste is a specially formulated paste with Activated Foam technology that reaches below the gum line to significantly improve gum health, leading to clinically proven healthier gums.

The new paste has superior technology to neutralize harmful bacteria, even below the gum line. This complete coverage of teeth and gums ensures an even, all over clean.
A close up of a tube of tooth paste.In fact, 99% of gingivitis patients showed reduced gum bleeding and inflammation in eight weeks after using Crest Gum Detoxify.   It works so well because the Activated Foam in Crest Gum Detoxify goes around, and even below the gum line for lasting gum protection.   It seeks out bacteria by penetrating hard to reach places. This is so important because that is where the bacteria hide.

It’s nice that it cools your gums while you are brushing (and afterward, too).   Crest Gum Detoxify gives you a deep clean and it even whitens, so you can know that you are being proactive and taking care of your oral health.   

For more information about Crest Gum Detoxify, visit, Like Crest on Facebook and Instagram or follow @Crest on Twitter to receive updates and learn more about oral health.

A tube of Crest Detoxify sitting on a wooden table.
Check out this recent episode of Dr. Oz to learn more – and take this quiz to find out if your gums are healthy or not.

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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