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I wanted to share this today because so many of my friends have been talking about different workouts, gyms, and diets.   I really love talking about this stuff, even though I don’t write about it all of the time.   I am a certified fitness instructor and I used to teach kickboxing, step, and a cardio class.

Once I was put on bedrest during one of my pregnancies, I stopped teaching at the gym.  I went back for only a few months after the baby was born, but didn’t love teaching like I had before I had kids (it probably had something to do with the fact that he spent my class-time crying in the gym nursery and the mom-guilt was too much to take!) 🙂

So- I worked out at night for many years, running in my neighborhood and working out with workouts like this 30 days of fitness (below), before I finally went back to the gym when all of our kids were either in school or preschool.    However, if you can’t (or don’t want to) go to the gym, don’t let that stop you from transforming your body & health into what you want it to be…

I will send you this printable and send you weekly updates to check in on how you are doing.


Day 1- 20 push-ups

Day 2- 40 lunges

Day 3- 100 jumping jacks

Day 4- 30-minute run

Day 5- 25 cherry pickers

Day 6- 60-second wall sit

Day 7- BREAK!

Day 8- 100 mountain climbers

Day 9- 40 squats

Day 10- 25 V-ups

Day 11- 30-second superman

Day 12- 25 crunches

Day 13- 40 leg raises

Day 14- 30 donkey kicks

Day 15- BREAK!

Day 16- 30 stand leg lifts

Stand, holding onto the back of a chair. Lift legs behind you 30 times (both legs will need to be done to count as one, so you are doing 30 on each leg)

Day 17- 2 30 second planks

Day 18- 30 jump squats

Day 19- 15 burpees

Day 20- 35 crunches

Day 21- 30 push-ups

Day 22- BREAK!

Day 23- 100 seal jacks

Day 24- 30-minute run

Day 25- 35 donkey kicks

Day 26- 35 V-ups

Day 27- 50 Russian twists

Day 28- 50 calf raises

Day 29- 125 mountain climbers

Day 30- Your Favorite

I hope that was helpful! Remember to join the challenge above and I will email you every few days to check in on how you are doing.  We will be talking about fitness, food, weight loss & overall health. 🙂

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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1 Comment

  1. I just went through this article and must say it is very much informative and engaging for all the readers even the videos are so well presented.