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Post by Contributor Becky F. of …
After reading Your Modern Family’s series on Cleaning Your Kitchen, I got a head-o-steam one weekend and decided my kitchen would NOT look like a place where wolves lived. Dutifully, I headed to my pantry area in search of some sort of cleaner, but ended up finding three jugs of white vinegar. After getting over my initial “where  did these come from” shock, I tapped into my Inner Problem Solver and decided to get creative and find ways of Using Vinegar as a Kitchen Cleaner. Thank goodness for Google Search!

Using Vinegar as a Kitchen Cleaner


Vinegar is kind of the “superhero” of green household cleaning products. It can be used in various ways to keep your house sparkling clean and using white distilled vinegar as an all-around cleaner is preferable to store bought harsh, toxic chemical blends because it is safe to use. One reason some people may steer clear of using vinegar is because of the not so pleasant aroma. Personally, I like it, and once it dries there’s no smell at all! I also adore the fact that white distilled vinegar is CHEAP.

Here’s some idea for Cleaning with Vinegar

Windows & Mirrors – Fill a 16 oz. spray bottle with ½ vinegar and ½ water to clean windows and mirrors then wipe down with newspaper for a streak-free shine.

Microwave Upkeep– To clean out a dirty microwave put 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water in a microwave safe bowl and microwave on high for 5 minutes. Let stand for 15 minutes and wipe out with a damp cloth. This will loosen the food particles for easy cleanup.

Tidy The Dishwasher – To help remove the film left over from your dishwasher soap you can fill your rinse dispenser with vinegar and your dishes will come out squeaky clean.

Make Refrigerators & Counter Tops SHINE– Keeping a spray bottle on hand filled with ½ vinegar and ½ water makes it easy to grab to clean the counter tops. Use it to clean out the refrigerator on a regular basis too. You won’t have to worry about using this solution around your food because it is non-toxic and all natural.

Prevent Crusty Coffee Pot Syndrome– To keep your coffee pot free from nasty buildup, use a full pot of straight vinegar and run through a normal brew cycle. Then run two regular pots of water through the brew cycle. Do this once a month and your coffee pot will thank you.

Prevent “Canary Pits” {Underarm Stains} – To get rid of these unsightly stains many people just throw the shirt away but you don’t have to. Use full strength vinegar in a spray bottle to soak the stained areas. Leave in for 15-20 minutes before washing as usual and you should be rid of the underarm stains and any associated odor.

Inexpensive Fabric Softener – You can use vinegar in place of your normal fabric softener in the rinse cycle for the same (or better) effect for a lot less.

Clean the John – Pour in one cup of full strength vinegar into your toilet, leave it for 10 minutes and then clean as usual. Your bowl will be clean and fresh.

Tackle Grimy Tubs/Showers– Use vinegar, the half and half mixture in a spray bottle, to keep your shower clean. Just grab it when you’re done showering and spray down the shower, tub and shower curtain, let it dry and voila! Even when cleaning around babies’ bath toys, you won’t have to worry if any get on them because it’s safe to use.

These are just some of the uses for vinegar to make your home green clean. What creative uses do you have for white vinegar?


Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. When I had a little one in cloth diapers I used to do a wash about twice a week and the night before I would fill the washer with my diapers and half a cup of vinegar (or so) and I would use hot water, then i would close the lid and let it sit over night, i would wake up and pull the thing to make it spin out, then i would refill the washer with a VERY small amount of my laundry detergent and shake in a bit of baking soda and wash and dry. The baking soda would help neutralize the pH that the vinegar would cause and therefore we didnt half diaper rash from high acidic pH and even though i used a very small amount of detergent my diapers always came out looking brand new and i never had a single stain and i used the same diapers and inserts for a year right from birth as I bought the diapers that could be expanded, for nights i would stick in an extra liner but again no staining or rashes like i had with my first who i used pampers on, she always had a rash that would be bleeding or close to because of the acid in her urine… if only i had known cloth was so cheap and easy then! Also, in kids clothes and bedding {at least in Canada} they are treated with something to lessen the chance of fire and fabric softener is NOT supposed to be used because it stops that from working, but vinegar kills the static without killing the fire resistance.

    1. I didn’t know that! Our kids Pajamas are treated with that, too, and I had no ideas about the fabric softener. I’m glad I know now!! Thanks 🙂

  2. Wonderful tips!!! Also very healthy. Cleaners and fabric softeners are full of chemicals; Vinegar is natural!!! 🙂

  3. Thanks for this great article. I find it really helpful and will definitely recommend it to all my friends and colleagues 🙂

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