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I love birthday parties, because the kids love birthday parties (and I love to see them smile!)  I am not a party planner, because I don’t want to be stressed.   The kids could care less how many decorations are out or what theme it is, as long as they have friends, family and cake!  😉

Celebrating birthdays is something that people either thrive in or stress about. While Pinterest has created some amazing inspiration, it can also create a lot of guilt and stress over creating an unrealistic party.  Celebrating birthdays can be something that you can do and love to do. Here are some tips that will help you start to love celebrating birthdays:

Tips to help you celebrate birthdays with less stress

(1) Let go of the pressure to invite everyone to the party. As the parties become more elaborate, the guest lists get longer. There is a pressure that you must invite everyone you know. Instead of giving into this pressure, let it go. As you make the guest list, ask yourself, “Is the person we are celebrating connected with this person? Or am I just inviting them because they are my friend.” It is okay to keep the list small.

(2) Do not plan the party during a meal time. An afternoon party, after lunch but before dinnertime is the perfect time for a party. Or even late  morning. When you utilize these time periods, you are able to eliminate the need to provide a meal which will save you money and stress.

(3) Plan a special activity instead of a party. You do not need to have a big party every year. Perhaps one year, you can have a special outing as a family or treat the child to a special event. Try to think outside the box of the classic birthday party.

(4) Keep in mind the personality of the child. One of my children is a little more of an introvert and I know that he prefers a very small party that is low key. My other child loves games at his parties. So as I plan, I keep these facts in mind.

(5) Keep it simple. Sometimes simple really is best. If you love going all out for birthdays, then go for it, but if your style is more laid back than embrace that.

(6) Let go of the need for perfection. There will be moments of imperfection sprinkled throughout the day, it is just a part of life. It is okay if the cake does not turn out right or if the games are a flop. The point is not to create a perfect day, but to celebrate the one you love.

Celebrating birthdays is something I absolutely love to do. I love finding special and unique ways to make the day and party special. What are some tips you would add to this?

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Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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1 Comment

  1. I feel that the best tip you gave was to let go of the pressure to invite everyone to the party. I remember when I was growing up, my mom decided to have one birthday party. Before I talked to anyone about it, she made it very clear the amount of people I could invite. I think there were around seven of us, and I couldn’t imagine the stress that would have been put on my mother if there were more!