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Our kids are getting older.   I was telling them stories, last night, about their births.   They love to hear what they doctor said about each one of them when they were born.

“This baby has a head made for a football helmet!”  or “Wow! Did you get this baby a wig before he was born?”

We have baby books for each of our kids.  We write down all of those adorable milestone moments: their first food, first time crawling, waving, clapping…

We forget the big ones… we forget the LASTS.

don't forget their lasts
It starts the moment that you become pregnant… those lasts.

The last time that your baby kicked in your belly. You can probably still remember the feeling, the amazing feeling of having a child living inside of you, safe from the outside world.  Did we remember it enough?

The last time that your baby nursed or took a bottle, what a moment that was going to be to remember.

That last time that you cuddled your baby in your arms, while they relied completely on you for their nourishment and comfort?  You probably stroked their hair or their hand.

The last time that you would smell that sweet baby smell- the one that they have when they are drinking milk and spill just a bit on their cheeks and into the folds of their neck or the smell of the their hair after an afternoon bath.

The last time that you would wake up in the night for your baby… just the two of you together. The two of you alone, enjoying the quiet, listening to your baby breath so deeply, knowing that you were there to keep him safe. Did you remember to enjoy that moment?

The last time walking with your help before they took that first step alone?

The last time that they called you “Mama” and started calling you “Mommy” and then “Mom”.

The last time that your preschooler would come into your room at night, needing you. Scared from a bad dream or needing you to hold them. Walking down the hall in their little pajamas, legs swishing and feet pitter patting on the floor, until it stopped beside your bed.

The last time day of that grade?

Her big brothers are going to school ... and she will miss them!



The last time that they would build a fort and show you with all of the excitement in the world.

The last time that they would draw stick people or draw a giant circle with arms and legs, but missing the body? The last time that they drew like a “preschooler” and started to draw like an older kid?

The last time that they pretended to be you… doing what you were doing.

The last time that they played t-ball and started playing baseball.

The last time that they swam without a puddle jumper or floaties.

The last time that they would come into the house in muddy boots because they caught a worm and had to show you.

The last time that they wanted to share an ice cream with you or invite you to eat lunch in their classroom.

These times come and go without warning. Now it is up to you to remember them…  so you can remind your kids of them down the road and both of you can look back on what an amazing child they are becoming.  ♥

Our kids are growing, and just as we had hoped, they are turning into wonderful children, but we need to stop and enjoy these lasts, before they are gone and we realize how very much we’ve missed.


If you liked this, I HIGHLY suggest that you buy the book –>> Let Me Hold You Longer  (be warned… it may look like a kid’s book, but it was meant for a mother’s heart)


let me hold you longer

In the meantime, check out some other posts that you might like…
done having babies

when they need you less & less

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. My Facebook post the night before my oldest son left for college a few months ago:’It’s so exciting when you are waiting for them to arrive, never knowing if today will be the day you finally get to meet them. Fast forward first steps, first days of school, broken bones, broken hearts – all in the blink of an eye – and suddenly it’s here. And this time you know. The last night that he is “mine.” ?
    Slow down and love them – that last night sneaks up…

  2. My youngest is 3 and I remember the last time he drank from a bottle, he was holding them by himself at that point but I held him and held his bottle because I knew after that we were onto sippy cups. It’s amazing how quickly they grow up.

  3. This is such a relevant post to me! My kids are 11 & 14 (tomorrow!) & I’m going through a real transition as a mother right now, realising that they need me less & less. I was thinking about this very topic the other day – how you don’t realise that something is the ‘last time’ until it’s not happened for a while. For example, my kids no longer come & get in bed with me in the mornings – the last time that happened was last Christmas! So, you’re so right, make the most of each & every precious moment. ??