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At some point, the time comes when you need to transition your toddler from a crib to a bed. It can be a tad overwhelming as you approach the big transition. The crib gives everyone a sense of security, but the bed is a brand new freedom.

However, after going through this with my older two, I felt a little more prepared the third time around. While it is a big transition, it really does come down to what is your attitude with it, because your little one will follow your lead.

Are you ready to make the transition? Read these tips beforehand so you can be prepared for a smoother transition.

7 Tips to Help your Toddler Transition from a Crib to a Toddler Bed

Tips for Transitioning Your Toddler to a Bed

Decide when you will do it.

Set a date for when you will make the big move and then actually do it. If you keep putting it off, it will just get harder and harder.  When it was time for us to transition our daughter, I was so nervous. Thankfully, my husband reminded me we needed to follow through with what our plan was.

Build some excitement.

About a month leading up to the transition, start building some excitement about the new bed.  Let your toddler pick out some fun sheets and a pillow. Talk about how nice a new bed will be. As you talk about the transition ahead of time, it will help ease some nerves.

Prepare the bed.

Get everything together ahead of time and then prepare the bed. We knew we wanted a comfortable mattress for our little one, so we have one from My Green Mattress.  We also found a good bed rail to use while she is still young. Take time during the day to prepare the bed for the night ahead. Our daughter liked laying in it and arranging her animals so she was familiar with the bed before the first night.

Have a regular bedtime routine.

Establish a bedtime routine so that your child will know what to expect each time. This can help ease nerves and bring about a sense of calm to the situation.  A few months before the transition, we started a regular bedtime routine of brushing teeth, reading, lights out. This routine was a constant during the transition which provided a sense of comfort. 

Stay consistent.

Even if things are hard at first, do not alter the course. You will need to be consistent at first and remind your child of what is expected. Each of our children have handled the transition differently. Our daughter has definitely been the hardest as she wants to explore. Staying consistent with our expectations has helped her adjust during the transtion.

Use a reward chart.

Using a simple sticker chart can be extremely beneficial when you are transitioning to a big bed. Determine what the requirements are for the the sticker and make sure your child understands. At first you could have a reward after the first couple nights and then slowly extend the amount of time between rewards.

Be patient.

Just as with any transition, you need to remember to be patient. There will be challenging times as it is giving a child a new freedom. At times you may want to cave or go back to the crib, but stay consistent and patient. In time, your child will adjust and you will look back on this time as a distant memory.

Getting ready to transition one of your children? I cannot recommend My Green Mattress enough. They are a natural/organic mattress company that is family owned. They offer free shipping and a 90 day sleep trial for everyone! We have become big fans and my husband jokes that my daughter sleeps on the most comfortable mattress in the house!

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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1 Comment

  1. I have 2 years old baby boy. last few days i am thinking to move him crib to bed. Thanks for sharing some helpful tips transition from crib to bed. It’s really helpful for me.