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Our morning starts off in a hurry.  I get four kids up and moving by 7:30.   By 8:05, I have to have one child at the bus stop (completely ready to go for his day) and by 8:20, the other three have to be in the car, dressed and ready to go for their day. I try to steal just ‘5 minutes for mom’.   Once I have everyone ready to go, I will put on one of their favorite shows (Curious George or Wild Kratts) and I will grab a bite to eat or a warm drink in my favorite coffee cup.  (I also use my favorite cup for ice cream…)

My most recent find was Caza Trail’s single serve Donut Shop blend.   Its really great (my husband has been telling me this for a while because he is more of a coffee drinker than I am!)   They have 24 different flavors (here they are, on their Amazon page), so he told me that there had to be one that I would like. haha.  Yes, yes, he was right.

Ok~ give me your “5 minutes for mom” tip of the day!


5 minutes for mom -

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. I do love a Donut Shop coffee, the flavor’s not too bold…just right for me. Glad you have a flavor you like. 🙂

  2. MMMMMMM Coffee!! I would recommend saying a prayer every morning for happiness,peace, and safety for me and all my family and friends!! This seams to always calm me and my girls down if we are rushing to get things going in the morning. I would love to have that coffee mug!!

  3. I’m really impressed! My kids take 30 minutes to eat their breakfast, forget about trying to get out the door & ready for the day in 30 minutes! 🙂 However, we normally aren’t pressed to get out the door b/c we homeschool. But w/five kids at home all day every day, sneaking a bit of quiet time is necessary for mommy! 🙂 Getting up before the kids wake just to gather my thoughts & think about our morning, has always been a huge help. I also plan in 30 minutes in the afternoon for quiet reading time; kids are either napping or reading. It’s another time for me to gather myself for the rest if the day.

  4. I love my morning coffee each day, especially at work when I need something to wake me up.