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Here are a few things to help your child in those last few months…   these few things you’ll want to buy before Kindergarten  This post contains affiliate links to my favorite things!

A little girl looking at book while lying on the floor with text below her.

When we know that it is time to send our kids to Kindergarten, that little bit of hesitation sets in: are they ready?  Am I ready?  Can we do this?   Will they love it?  Will they be scared?  Will they do well?  I taught Kindergarten (among other grades) and I can tell you that if you are reading this, chances are your child is ready (because you care enough to worry!)

Just in case…

These are things that we have and we use them on a daily or weekly basis.   I am only recommending what I have tried with our own kids and what I have seen to be successful for them.

First off, I highly suggest our book, Getting Ready for Kindergarten: 

getting ready for kindergarten

2).  Get a membership to (1st month is FREE).
free abc mouse
I love it for our kids!   It is really fun (even our 7 year old asks to play it often).  They can record themselves talking/reading and listen to it.  They can play games, learn about animals, learn letters and sight words… the list goes on & on.  For $7.95 a month, its worth it to try it out for the summer leading up to Kindergarten (and you get the first month for FREE!) 

3). Read, read & read again!
I taught our kids to read with these BOB books.

bob books
Our kids liked them (and so did I) because they are so easy to use! This was the only book that I found that taught kids to read like I taught them. I always taught word families before anything else & that’s why I love these books!

4).  If your child doesn’t know their letters, they can learn them in under a week by watching this movie, The Letter Factory.
learn letters in under a week
I used it with each of our kids at 18 months and they knew their letters & sounds in about a week- seriously.  I just put it in the DVD player in the car & put it on anytime we went ANYWHERE.

5).  Kindergarten Rocks!  
This book will have your Kindergartener so excited to go!
Read it in bed the week before K and then the night before K.  Take a “family selfie” in your child’s bed the night before Kindergarten & then take one again on the last day of Kindergarten.  My friend did this & it was adorable!
Kindergarten Rocks book

Our son loves this book.  He read it in 3rd grade and just loved it!    It is a #1 New York Times bestseller for a reason.  See it here.  





5 skills to teach them before kindergarten

wait to send child to Kindergarten



Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. Great list!

    We are already doing a lot of these with my 3 year old.

    Another tip I heard from a Kinder teacher is to get them used to scissors. We already let the 3 year old practice with safety ones. She said her kids have a really hard time getting the hang of it.

  2. I used to teach Kindergarten so I had to check out your list to see what your suggestions would be. I hope every Kindergarten parent reads this post because these are all great ideas! I especially like the reading tip. Some parents think their kids are too young but I feel like it’s important to give them a good head start!