I had to write about the 10 hardest things about being a work at home parent, because I work from home part time.
I find it hilarious (& ironic) that you are “always working and never working” as my mom used to put it when she worked from home.
I loved this quote from Jennifer Garner…
Here are the 10 hardest things that I find about being a work at home mom…
10). You never truly get to be “off” – You are always in your office. Your job is always there.
9). We have 2-4 assistants at all times (and they all under the age of 8 in our house)
8). Your work papers are likely to have food or drink spilled on them at any time.
7). Your electronics could likely be dead at any moment of the day… if you wonder why- check your history and you just might find PBS kids as the most recently visited site.
6). Your work-photos will probably be photo bombed by either kids or crumbs (yes, crumbs on the kitchen table are usually in my pictures from our four kids eating there at the same time that I am taking pictures).
5). Your work “conference call” sounds like you are at a day-care.
4). You’ve been caught locking yourself in the bathroom just to get some peace and quiet while on the phone with a client.
3). You will go to bed, just to remember one more thing that you meant to do… and since you’re office is downstairs, you go down to do it and find that you are up for another hour. (This image is from my Going to bed post… but you can see what I mean where I get into bed & start thinking…)
2). You find yourself writing what the kids are saying instead of Mom- Can I have a snack, please? what you meant to write.
1). For number one… Let me give you the Number one reason that it is the BEST part of working from home: You get to be with your kids all day long! (Here I am with our 6 year old, Beau… )
I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.
#5 is so true and cracks me up. I swear people probably thing I have tourette’s, “Sure, let’s meet at the, STOP DOING THAT TO YOUR BROTHER… does 5 work? When did you want to I SAID WHEN I’M OFF THE PHONE!” lol
I definitely understand what working at home with a kid is like! So much joy, fun, chaos, mixed feelings, and the desire to do it all. But it is hard. I have figured I need to have a schedule for working at home. For instance, working from 8 am till 10 am, and then having a break to do something with the kid. And again, trying to work an hour or two before the playtime again. I guess finding the balance is difficult. My schedule is not only affected by me, but instead of my son’s mood and feelings as well. I have always admired work-at-home moms, great job!
#5 is so true and cracks me up. I swear people probably thing I have tourette’s, “Sure, let’s meet at the, STOP DOING THAT TO YOUR BROTHER… does 5 work? When did you want to I SAID WHEN I’M OFF THE PHONE!” lol
I definitely understand what working at home with a kid is like! So much joy, fun, chaos, mixed feelings, and the desire to do it all. But it is hard. I have figured I need to have a schedule for working at home. For instance, working from 8 am till 10 am, and then having a break to do something with the kid. And again, trying to work an hour or two before the playtime again. I guess finding the balance is difficult. My schedule is not only affected by me, but instead of my son’s mood and feelings as well. I have always admired work-at-home moms, great job!
Yep- its definitely a hard balance!!