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Thanks to Clorox for sponsoring today’s post.

Many people ask me why I am so set on having a clean kitchen at night before I go to bed. I write about it often, but it’s for a good reason. It makes me happy to wake up to a clean kitchen.

A large kitchen with stainless steel appliances.

When I know that I can come downstairs in the morning to a clean, organized kitchen instead of a chaotic, cluttered kitchen, it starts the day on the right note. We start the day with a calm, relaxed feeling. It tells my family that I took care of the house last night and they come down to that same peacefulness every morning. Everyone is happier. It works for us.

I can remember when I was a child, waking up to a clean house. My mom would always tidy up before she went to bed and we all woke up to a clean house. I didn’t truly appreciate it at the time; I just knew that I liked the feeling of waking up to an organized space. I have felt that way since then because I now do the same thing in my house.

A large kitchen with stainless steel appliances

Think about just one area of your home and how it can change your entire mood.

Let’s take the dishwasher: This is probably one of the most important parts of the kitchen because it can make your day run smoothly or stop it in its tracks.

Christmas cleaning

Let me explain.

When the dishwasher is empty: Everyone eats, puts their dishes away and moves on. Smooth sailing.

When the dishwasher is full: They put their dirty dishes in the sink.

The sink is soon full, so they start to put them on the counter. Now that the counter is a mess, you start to move things to the table. It just spreads the mess and the chaos.   

So, each night before bed, I make sure that there are no dishes out and I clean the sink with a Clorox®Disinfecting Wipe. If the dishwasher needs to complete a cycle, I will either run it at night and empty it, or just wake up a few minutes early to empty it in the morning.  I like everything to be put away before I start on any other chores or tasks.

I do not go to bed with dirty dishes or a dirty sink. It’s just one little rule that makes things run a whole lot smoother.

A dining room table in front of a window.

The kitchen is the heart of the home.

It is where you go to connect, talk, do homework and read.

Children sitting at a table looking at magazines together.
It’s where board games happen:

A little girl sitting on a table
It is where we draw pictures, plan meals and bake cookies.

clean kitchen before bed
It’s where we spend time making dinner and making plans. If it were messy, we would not be able to enjoy our family time. It wouldn’t welcome us like it does when it is clean and organized. I like knowing that my kids can sit down at a table that is clean – clear of clutter and free of germs.  I wipe my table with a Clorox® Disinfecting Wipe before bed, too. It gives me peace of mind to be able to keep my family healthy in one more way.

When your table or countertops are messy, it makes you want to avoid doing these activities together. Instead of feeling welcomed, it makes you feel uneasy. So, I clean everything before bed. I clear off the clutter and spray the countertops with Clorox®Scentiva™ Multi-Surface Cleaner in Tuscan Lavender & Jasmine so I can sleep easy.  I like knowing that I can disinfect my kitchen and give it a fresh, relaxing scent, without leaving behind any harsh chemical smells to wake up to in the morning.

In fact, according to research conducted on behalf of Clorox, people are more productive (72%) and can focus better (77%) in a clean home.

The research also found that: 

  • 60% say a clean environment reduces their stress.
  • 80% are more relaxed in a clean home.
  • 63% say their family is more relaxed in a clean home.
  • 72% sleep better in a clean home.


Cleaning the kitchen at night is a routine that sets our tone for the following day. It lets us start the day in a happy mood and enjoy all the family time a new day will bring.

Ps- You are welcome to download my Daily ROOM BY ROOM Cleaning List for free.  
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Cleaning and Family cleaning schedule to print for free

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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