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 iphone as baby monitor

Do you ever go away and wish that you had a baby monitor with you, but you don’t want to drag along your video monitor?  This is us!  We have video monitors at our house, but to take them on a trip is just not that easy.  We have to take both parts, they are bulky and I am always nervous that they will break or that we will lose a part of it.  We like to have one for our one year old, because when she is napping, we like to keep an eye on her.

My brother and sister in law were telling me about some great ideas for our next trip.  (If you didn’t see their post yesterday on how other can watch your baby on the monitor, check out this post.
watching your baby on the monitor

So, back to the idea!  They have a friend that takes their iphones on their trips instead of a monitor.  They were going to buy an app for it that can turn their phone into a video monitor, but the risks of this are the same as the risks of the video monitor.  Anyone can see your baby.  It is not hard for someone to hack into your phone.

For this reason, they just face time each other.  They will start a face time conversation and put one phone in the room, facing the baby, while the other parent’s phone is kept with the parents.   Push mute & you are ready to go!  It is easy, free and more safe than the alternatives.

iphone for video montior

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Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. Hmm wow great idea, I’m surprised more people haven’t thought of that! Will definitely be using this one when baby 2# arrives!

    1. 🙂 I know- I wish I would have known about it BEFORE I packed our monitor for our trip last week 🙂 (they told me on the trip- haha!)