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I love to post my favorite cleaning tips for you – like how to get stains out of clothes.
It is just another way that I Make Laundry Easier in our house!

A pile of folded clothes with text above it.

Let’s face it, stains are irritating and inevitable.

No matter how careful you are, they happen. I can tell you, just today, that I had to get stains out of THREE shirts. THREE!

-One was from green icing (making cake).
-One was from snacking on one of those little wax pumpkins (which is big for a two year olds mouth… resulting in stains on the front of her shirt).
-One was from a grass stain- on the elbow of our son’s shirt.

All three stains today came from HAVING FUN, so I can’t complain!

Ok- now down to my best tips to remove stains:

A pile of folded clothes with text across it.

1- Use hairspray to get PEN out of clothes (thanks goes to my great grandma for teaching us that one!)

2- Pretreat your clothes, as soon as possible, with Clorox 2 Stain Remover & Color Booster. I pretreat EVERY stain, if I can!

3- To get grease out of your clothes, try using a squirt of dish soap. Just put the UNCOLORED dish soap onto the stain and let it sit about five minutes. Rinse.

4- Use baby powder for grease stains. Let it sit overnight.

5- Use shaving cream to get makeup (foundation) out of your clothes. Use it like you would use soap (wash the area with it).

Use Clorox 2 Stain Remover & Color Booster for everything else! It makes it possible to get the stains out – even the toughest, set-in stains – so every person in your family can put their best front forward. Clorox 2 Stain Remover & Color Booster combines a color protector and stain remover to keep your clothes bright and stain-free, wash after wash.If I happen to have washed the shirt or article of clothing without treating the stain, I use Clorox 2 Stain Remover & Color Booster to remove the set-in stains, even after it has been through the dryer! (Yay!) It even works on impossible stains, like soy sauce, coffee, grass, wine and the dreaded grape juice.

I’d love to hear more tips from you… share them below or join in on the coversation for more cleaning tips by following Clorox on Facebook or Twitter

This post is brought to you by Clorox []. I have partnered with them to spread the word about Clorox 2 Stain Remover & Color Booster. All opinions and stories are my own.

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. I think lemons are the best for the removal of stains from clothes.