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My husband, Mickey and I lived on his income, raising our family of six, for 10 years.   It was not easy, but it wasn’t too hard, either.  We learned to make it work.   We learned to stretch our dollar.  I want to share just how we did that, how we cut corners, earned extra money and saved money in certain places. It worked for our family and I hope that these ways help you to save money (and make extra money) for your family, too…  I compiled ALL of my tips into one book (so many ideas in here!!)

I titled the book You can be a Stay at Home Mom on One Income, because this was my dream.  I knew that I wanted to be home with our kids, even if it was only for a few years, until they were in school.   Using the tips that I provide in this book, I was able to stay home for over 10 years, so far, raising our kids.

It was hard at first, getting used to going from two incomes to one (I wish I could say that it was easy), but it was very doable, because we knew where to cut corners.  We still save money every month and we will still be paying off our mortgage much earlier than the 30-year contract suggested.  We still have zero debt OTHER than our mortgage… and with the information in this book, I’m sure that you will be saying the same, soon (if you aren’t already).

Now onto the book…
saving money book

You can be a stay at home mom on one income- Becky Mansfield
It is the hope of many parents to stay home with their children or simply to have more money to spend on your family and to live financially stress-free, working or not.   

Maybe you just want to start saving now, in hopes of working less in the future.  You could just be looking for ways to supplement your income.  This book will help you with all of these goals.

You will learn so many tips, ideas & secrets to help you save more money & live easier.  The stress of money can be a big one if you let it, so just learn to take control of your money.  Spend less & save more, the easy way!

In this book, I have also added free budgeting printable sheets, so you can easily track your own budget and you can goal-plan for the future months.   I also include other sheets that you can print that have money-saving tips included.

Buy this book  $9.99

click here to buy now
I hope that this helps your family, as much as it has been able to help ours – saving money and living on one income (and being a stay at home mom) has been the best decision for OUR family.   I hope that you find the same outcome holds true in your family, too. ♥



★★★★★  “Amazing book!” – Jessica Beety
I loved this book, because even though I am not a stay at home mom (yet!  I’m still pregnant) this book was filled with ideas to save money.

★★★★★ “Thanks! It was awesome!”  – Kristien  Kunesh
This book was awesome because it showed me ways that I had NEVER about to save money.  I seriously had no idea about the preschool savings.  That alone saved me $200 a month!

★★★★★ “A whole new world”  Allison Liza
This book opened my world (and my eyes) to a huge variety of saving money.  When I read my husband the chapter on paying off our mortgage 8 years sooner without putting extra money towards it, he was blown away and we started to implement your ideas that next week.”
I hope that you love it!
~Becky Mansfield

Buy the book here. 

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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