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Kids say the darndest things 2
Our kids were doing their Christmas Delivery with my Mom (she hands out gifts to her neighbors) and she has two neighbors named: Cookie and Candy.
When they finished, he told her “You are so lucky to live by a Cookie AND a Candy!”<!–more–/>
My friend, Kristi, has two little girls and her oldest daughter calls the clouds that split the “Broken Clouds”
After Easter one year, I took our son (three at the time) to the pet store to look at the animals and he looked at a little bunny and bent down and whispered “Thank you for my bike, Easter Rabbit!”
My friend Maura just had a baby boy. Her mom was visiting and eating lunch with her daughter. Her Mom asked her daughter if the baby could have some of the two-year-olds birthday cake and her daughter replied “No, baby Vinny eat Mommy” (she was breastfeeding her!)
A Mom in my MOPS group, Charlotte, told me that her daughter told her that when their dog died, it would be Jesus’s dog.
Jessica’s four year old son saw her looking at Facebook and asked “Who is that?” When she replied “My friend” – he answered “I didn’t know you had friends!”
Another friend said that when she was nursing her baby, her older child asked “If you eat chocolate, will it make you have chocolate milk?”
Moms say funny things too…. “Chicken Nuggets are NOT hats!”
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