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This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Post Great Grains Cereal for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
If you had to think of one thing that makes you great, what would you say? Is it your kids? Is it your career? Is it your personality? Today I wanted to talk about not just what makes YOU great, but how we can teach our kids to know that THEY are great! You teach greatness by being great! Appreciate yourself. Respect yourself. When you show respect, you get it in return. When you show love, you get it in return. When you show greatness to your children, you see it in them.Every day we are given the chance to show our kids that they are great.
How do you do this? Build them up constantly?
Tell them that they are great?
I can think of so many times that my words seem to get a quick “thanks, Mom” but my actions get a whole lot more.
Show them that they are great with your actions – you bet!
Listen to them? YES
I watched an episode on Oprah once, where Maya Angelou told Oprah that one time her son brought her a picture that he had made and when he showed it to her, she didn’t give him her full attention and just said something like “its nice”.
He then took the picture, ripped it up and threw it away. When she asked him why, he said that it was because she didn’t like it. She vowed then & there to pay attention to everything that he showed her. He truly valued her opinion, as I know that our children are valuing ours. What a wonderful feeling to know that someone cares about you enough to really LISTEN.
How can you show your kids that they are great?
By being your child’s biggest fan!
I can remember when I was in high school and on the homecoming court, my Mom gave me a card BEFORE the ceremony that said “You will always be a queen in our eyes.” It has been almost 15 years and I can still see her handwriting on that card. She and my Dad have always been our biggest fans. It didn’t matter what the outcome was- and I knew it.
Be a parent first & in the end, you will be their best friend.
I feel great when I am being a INTENTIONAL mother. When I am “all in” with my family. Giving them 100% of my time and attention, even if its just for that 20 minutes when we are playing a game. I am teaching my kids to be great by showing them that I think they are great.
I feel great when I teach someone (hey- I was a teacher, after all!)
I feel great when I know that I have helped someone (which is why I have a blog!)
I feel great when I tell my husband that I love him and that he is my best friend!
Did you know that 83 percent of women think the greatest obstacle to reaching their full potential is what they think of themselves, rather than what others think of them? Start when you children are young and help them to feel valuable! (ps- you can see more facts & percentages like this right here). Great Grains has nutrition you can see!
I am great because I am finally eating breakfast every morning! Love to try these.
🙂 yay!!
I am great because tomorrow we’re helping honor firefighters by providing lunch for them :).
No way!! 🙂 that’s awesome!
i love this!!!
I’m great because I love my family and do my best to take care of them 🙂
🙂 & you do a great job!!!
My family makes me great!
Greatness comes to those who are nice!!!
That’s awesome & I totally agree!!
I have empathy and compassion for others.