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Today I am sharing an at home workout plan that I love. I did these home workouts for the stay at home mom for years, because it was just so much more convenient for me!
A mom’s life is a busy one, and we don’t punch out at 5pm! If you already have a good fitness routine in your life, then my hat is off to you, but if not, I have a way you can easily incorporate a workout into your day, without even leaving your living room!
This at home workout plan requires just 20-30 minutes of your time, and all of the planning has been done for you! Get ready to workout at home, PJs allowed!
My secret workout equipment is…Pinterest! I know, probably not what you were expecting. But the cool thing about Pinterest is that you can find lots of workout graphics, which have full workout instructions printed on them. As long as you have a basic knowledge of exercises, you’ll be able to follow most of them.
If you are unsure of how to perform a move, just do a search on or YouTube, and you’ll quickly find a professional showing you proper form.
At Home Workout Plan
Now, as for our at home workout plan that I promised today, it’s as simple as deciding how many days you want to work out, and which area of your body you want to work that day.
No matter what, make sure you spend at least 5 minutes before your workout doing some dynamic stretching or light cardio to warm up your muscles before you begin.
If you like to go walking or running, or do another kind of physical activity, maybe you’ll workout at home just a few days a week. So today I’ll give you sample schedules for a 3-day-a-week plan and a 5-day-a-week plan. Sound good? Here we go!
3-Days-a-Week At Home Workout Plan
This plan is on a “Week A/Week B” schedule and assumes that you are getting your cardio elsewhere.
Week A:
Monday– Biceps/Triceps and Abs (do pushups with your hands together, flat on the ground, making a diamond. This will focus on your triceps. For your apps, do a plank every night. Work up to 5 minutes a day. It will make a huge difference!
Wednesday– Legs
Friday– Back – Plank will help here, too. Or try some workouts where you lean over, with one leg on the ground and one in the air, picking up a weight, standing back up straight and tapping it back down to the ground. Repeat 10 times on each leg.)
Week B:
Monday- Shoulders
Wednesday- Butt (donkey kicks are great for this, or wall sits)
Friday- Chest (push-ups are the best workout for your chest. Work on 10 a day, then 20, then 30. Soon you will be doing push-ups with your child sitting on your back!)
5-Days-a-Week At Home Workout Plan
This plan is also on a “Week A/Week B” schedule, to be sure that you are hitting all areas. Here I’ve designated certain days for cardio workouts, but you can alternately add 15 minutes of high intensity cardio (after warming up) before each workout instead of doing it all at once. Feel free also to add in a rest day and do the extra workout over the weekend!
Week A:
Monday- Biceps/Triceps
Tuesday- Legs
Wednesday- Cardio and Abs (You can get so many apps for running)
Thursday- Full Body Workout
Friday- Chest
Week B:
Monday- Bodyweight Workout
Tuesday- Back
Wednesday- Cardio and Abs
Thursday- Butt
Friday- Shoulders
Here is a great cardio plan from The Fitness Focus (print it here)
I’ve linked to some of my favorite workouts, but you can also go here to see all of my favorite at home workouts. And again, when you get bored of the same routines, just find some new favorites on Pinterest.
YouTube is also a fantastic source for workouts- in fact, I compiled a calendar of 30 days of free workout videos on YouTube, each from a different channel. So you can try them all out and then subscribe to your favorite channels so you can go back and try out their other workouts!
I hope you’ve found this helpful! When you have an at home workout plan all set and in place, all that’s left to do is commit to the 20-30 minutes it takes to do them! Then enjoy rocking your new figure and treat yourself to some new clothes for all of your hard work!
Here is another printable schedules that I found on Pinterest today:
This first one from FitSugar breaks it down for you.
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100 workouts at home:
Full Home Workout. (money back guarantee)
Megan Tenney blogs at Shaping Up To Be A Mom, where her goal is “Life, easier. Mom, happier!” She encourages busy moms to pursue their dreams and aims to make their lives a little easier while sharing her own adventures in parenting, fitness, travel, and crossing items off her bucket list! Megan blogs from Phoenix where she lives with her husband and three small children.