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Today we move onto ways to save money on your bills. The week we are talking about finance & saving money. Mickey and I have been working very hard to pay off all of our debt, including paying off our mortgage. It has been our number one priority and I wanted to be sure to give you tips along the way.
Don’t let money control your life, take action and ensure that you are making your money work hard for you and that includes saving as much money as you can on your bills every month.
Tips To Save Money on Your Bills
If you need to save money, making sure that you are not paying more for goods and services that you use is important.
These 5 Tips Can Save You Money
- Create a budget, this tells your money what you are planning to do with it and what bills it needs to pay. Having this control will ensure that you are not paying more than you need to on any bill. We have created a planner to help you create a budget & stay on top of it.
- Getting the best deal on your utilities is key. Shop around and get a great money saving deal on all your bills.
- Consider your TV and phone bills, is there a better deal that can save you money? Even talking to your current provider about changing might make them offer you a better deal to stay with them. My brother uses Netflix & Hulu to save money on his cable bill. Since they work full time, they really don’t miss TV much. They just catch up on a few shows at night.
- Cooking meals at home will save you money on your food bills. If you make a meal at home and eat as a family, it is a great way to bond and connect. It gives you time to talk and discuss any issues that happen throughout the day.
- Cancel those memberships and subscriptions that you no longer use or need. Reducing your monthly expenditure is a great way to cut back on how much you need to put aside each month for bills. I talk more about that here: how to stay at home on one income.
Planning Your Monthly Bills
It is a great idea to know how much your bills are each month, this will help you spot a great deal when you see one.
Constantly looking to reduce your bills is a great idea.
These 5 Tips Will Help Reduce Your Bills
- Turn down the heat in your home, by just one degree can save you money on your heating bill.
- Using a dishwasher instead of washing up by-hand can save you money on heating the water and the amount of water you use.
- Turn off the lights when you leave the room, this will save you money on your electric bill.
- Walking instead of taking the car when you need to pop to the shops will save you money on gas in your car, you will get healthier too!
- Turn off appliances when they are not in use, even a standby light is using power, turning off at the plug will save you money on your electric bill.
These tips will help you reduce the cost of the bills that you have to pay every month. Thinking about saving and reducing costs will impact how much you have to pay.
Saving money is a green way to help the planet too, you are reducing the electricity used and saving water, this has an impact on the resources you use and the lower the impact the better for the environment too!
I dont have much bill. All the money we ea goes to food , milk for the kids. Trying hard to save but no success. Will there be any tips.