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I wanted to share these screen-free ideas for kids because it is so important that they use their imagination and play.  It’s important that they learn to rely on themselves for entertainment instead of electronics.

I know that technology has a place and can be so helpful, but as with anything in life… balance is the key to happiness.

Screen Free Activities
If you want to scale back on electronics with your family in order to find that better balance,  a good place to start is with a no-technology week!

Another idea is to use these cards to let them EARN electronic time by doing chores and helping out around the house.  This teaches them that they must do their work before they can play.    They must be responsible before relaxing.   Both of these things will be lessons that they will need in life.

A chore chart on a table.

It will be hard, but SO worth it… technology can be addicting to our kids and even for us (because it makes life easier when they are watching a show & we can be doing what we need to do), but that is what makes it even more important that we break the cycle & limit it.

I don’t have certain limits set up like “You get 20 minutes a day”, I just monitor it.  We don’t watch it during the school week (because it causes the kids to run behind in the morning), so I just keep an eye on them on the weekends.

A few things you should know: 1).  “While inmates at maximum-security prisons in the U.S. are guaranteed at least 2 hours of outdoor time a day, half of the children worldwide spend less than an hour outside”, reports

2).  A survey of 12,000 parents in 10 countries found that one-third of children (ages 5 to 12) spend less than 30 minutes outside each day. The survey, sponsored by Unilever laundry detergent brands OMO and Persil, inspired a new marketing campaign – “Dirt is Good – Free the Children.”

A little boy looking at the camera.

3).  American children spend 5-8 hours in front of a screen per day and less than 1 hour outside (that is less than prisoners!)  Too much screen time can cause sleep problems, higher risk for attention disorders, higher risk for obesity and actually changes the chemistry of your child’s brain. I don’t know about you, but those risks scare me.  They should be outdoors getting dirty and exploring, not watching someone else having fun on TV.

I challenge you to really think about the amount of screen time your child is getting and consider implementing a screen-free day once per week or a screen-free zone such as in the car or at the dinner table where screens aren’t allowed (including parents). Let’s give our kids the childhood they deserve and do as many of these fun activities as a family as possible.

50 Scree-Free Fall Activities for Kids

  • Catch bugs & observe them
  • Go to a new park
  • Find a local park that you can hike… and go hiking!
  • Write in a journal
  • Stay up late & go to a Friday night Football Game at your local high school
  • Blow bubbles out of new things…

dino 5

  • Make MUD-PIE in the dirt
  • Go on a family bike ride
  • Play Catch
  • Play Four-Square
  • Play PIG with a basketball
  • Go to a trampoline park
  • Let them build in the garage with leftover materials
  • Make a DIY Creativity Kit together
  • Play a huge game of tic tac toe outside with rocks & sidewalk chalk.
  • Make a flower headband.
  • Play Tag
  • Hide toys in ice cubes 
  • Snuggle up on a porch & read a book together
  • Collect leaves, rocks & pinecones and do math with it!
  • Build a pinecone Birdhouse with peanut butter & seeds
  • Use an empty container to build a fairy house like this one 
  • Take the dog on a walk
  • Go to a new Museum
  • Jump Rope
  • Paint a picture
  • Make ice cream
  • Pick Berries and Make Jam
  • Have a Pajama Party & movie night 🙂
  • Send the picture that you painted to a family member
  • Roast marshmallows  🙂
  • Go to a local farm
  • Play Hide and Seek in your back yard … with a toy!  (hide the toy!)
  • Make a new recipe every day for a week… the kids get to pick it off of Pinterest (here is my meal-planning board). 🙂

Are you ready to do more screen-free family ideas?
You can sign up for my free email series & grab this calendar below:

A close up of a calendar on a white background.

Find 60. more. screen free ideas!!
60 screen free activities

No Screentime Printable… 
No Screentime PRINT

Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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1 Comment

  1. This is highly recommendable guide for children self development.