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WElcome to 40 days of Organization!   This will take you into every room over the next 40 days to organize your home. Good luck!

40 days to home organization

So with Lent fast approaching (tomorrow!) I am going to do 40 days of Organization on my blog. We will declutter our homes and get organized. Last year I took my 40 days and every day I got rid of 40 things. Most were donated (kitchen items, clothes, shoes), some were tossed (items in the “junk drawer”, magazines…). It was a great way to remember to help others in need every day by trying to come up with 40 things to give.

Starting tomorrow, I will walk you through organizing your home, room by room, showing you tips that I have used on how to organize a home to make it more efficient for your family.

40 days of Organization

My first tip: Do what works for you. I heard someone say once that you need to do what works, even if it is not conventional. If you fix your daughter’s hair while she eats breakfast, have a “beauty station” drawer in your kitchen complete with everything that you need. Is it what you would normally see in a kitchen drawer? No. Does it make your life simpler? Yes!

Check out our home organization topics here.

Use this 40 days of LENT to start a habit that will stick. It takes 21 days to make a habit stick and you have 40!

Move on to Day #1 here

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Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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  1. I’m also doing my version of 40 days for Lent. You have some great ideas so I’ll be following along. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I’ve just found your 40 Day challenge today, but I look forward to reading through and catching up. Thanks for the motivation!

  3. I think I will start this for when I move into my new apartment in May. You can still organize while unpacking right? On the other hand, I don’t really want to start now when I only really have 40 days until I move.. Would feel a bit useless to be organized then have to pack up right afterwards!

    1. Katrina- I had our WHOLE house unpacked in one week. It was super organized. I just had the kids to bed by 7 every night & worked until midnight. It was fast & we got it done. 🙂 Good luck!!

  4. Hi Becky,

    I have 4 kids (a 3 1/2 year old girl, twin boys that are 2, and infant 8 months) and I am drowning in toys and clothing. I want so much to be organized and to do it right the first time (with the right set up). Any suggestions? How often do you purge (I feel bad purging things b/c younger siblings will be interested in these things too (i.e. Elmo and Mickey etc.) I feel like I just go in circles never finishing any one thing. Maybe that’s just how it is, but not how I want it to be (and to live life!). Look forward to your thoughts. We’re tackling the garage this week (many strollers that are double – the we use and tons of plastic big toys (wagons, bikes) that are only used in the summer). Thanks for your time!

    1. I just go one room at a time. I get rid of a LOT of stuff. For example, after Christmas, I went into their playroom and just dumped their toy box into a donate bag. It took up 2 garbage bags, but they were toys that they hadn’t touched in a while. I feel like when they have too many toys, they just don’t play with anything (too much to pick from). We are in the same boat with ages: 7, 5, 3, 1 but I just keep 3 of each age that I know they will love and then I have a bunch of “anyone” toys. Just try to remember that less is more. You will feel so much better if you just get rid of it.
      Sometimes I tell my husband to do it b/c I am attached to stuff & he isn’t so I”ll just say “Just donate whatever you want”.

  5. Interesting idea and challenge……..great for “spring cleaning”. Thank you. Gentle Joy

  6. What a wonderful idea, how challenging to get rid of 40 things per day. I may have to give this a try, it is amazing how clutter builds up even when you try to keep on top of it. I love the idea of using this for lent. 🙂

    1. Good luck!! You can do it. 🙂 (ps- I completely agree about clutter)