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In the past couple months, I have had this overwhelming desire to savor this season with my little ones.  As we inch closer to the summer, I sense how fast the little years go. Flash forward a couple years and all of my children will be in school for 8 hours a day.

While there are definitely days that I look forward to the kids growing up, I know I am going to miss these moments. Watching my kids chase each other around the yard, I see a choice before me.   Holding my kids in the air, while they are still little enough to do so, I see a choice before me.
Will I savor these days or wish them away?

A woman lifting a child up to kiss him with text above them.

When there are snuggles, laughter, and hugs, I am more quick to savor. However, when the tantrums, sleepless nights, and potty training mishaps come, savoring these years does not sound all that desirable.  It is a struggle that all moms of little ones face. Deep down we desire to savor the years, but there is a lot that we would rather not savor, so many times we lean towards wishing for the future.

The more I pondered this, the more I started to realize something. What if I savored all of these moments?  Moments like hugs and kisses my from our kindergartener or my oldest wrapping his arms around me as he says we make the best birthdays or my little girl twirling in her princess dress. I could savor these moments. In fact, more than anything I want to bottle up these moments and keep them as a secret treasure forever.

These moments are precious and when they happen, I soak them up praying to keep them forever. When I am older and sitting on the porch with my husband, these are the moments we will sit and remember with joy. I am sure we will reflect on the struggling times too, most likely laughing over how crazy little children can be.

As you think about motherhood, I urge you to consider how you can savor the moments with your little ones. Every day, we have a choice. We can choose to live with joy, savoring the small moments and letting go of the difficult ones, or we can choose to live in overwhelm and stress, holding onto the difficult moments and letting go of the sweet ones. Today, I wake up choosing to savor the moments, will you make this choice with me?


When the kids are older...
Join my free one-on-one time parenting challenge
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Hi there!

I’m Becky, a former elementary school teacher turned certified child development therapist and blogger. I work at home with my husband and together we are raising (and partially homeschooling) our four children in the Carolinas. I love diet coke, ice cream, and spending time with my family.

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